02.21.15 THE MOTIONS
Today's musing: I've been thinking about the motions of life.
Elementary, secondary school? Check.
High school? Check
Get a high-school-kid job? Check.
Get stuck in a bad relationship? Check. Check Check.
Go to university, get a degree? Check
Get a grown up job, that turns into a career? Check.
Find a boy who loves you and treats you right? C-h-e-c-k.
And then what comes next? Most would say the moving in with this boy, an engagement, the wedding, and the babies.
It's crazy how hard-wired we are to follow this path that is set for us. Some people break from the mold, but in general this is the skeleton of our lives. The average person goes through these motions in life.
I would be lying if I said I didn't want it. I want to be a wife, a mother, own a house... the whole nine yards. But a part of me hates how predictable it is.
Maybe part of growing up is coming to terms with it? Maybe I've got a bit of a mid-20's-life-crisis thing going on? Am I the only one that thinks about things like this? Am I just over-analyzing life?
Have you followed the motions? Have you broken away from the pack? I'd love to hear someone else's thoughts on this.