
A new year, a new space, a new story.

It's been almost 1 year since I took a break from my old blog, Enter Kelly.
A year since I've blogged. 
A year since I've shared my stories. 
A year since I've had my own corner of the internet.

And I miss it.

I knew I would. I look back at blogging with fond memories. I had a lot going on and was ready for a break.

But now I'm ready to start again. To start fresh. To start new.

I don't have a lot of time to dedicate to this, but that's okay. I won't feel guilty if I don't blog every day, every week, or even only once a month. I'm not blogging with the intention to gain a following, make money, or be the best blogger there is. I'm doing this for me.

I miss my creative outlet. I miss being able to tell stories. I miss having a place that's mine.

So welcome to my new place. :)

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